The impact of technology on modern agriculture


Food production plays an essential role in the mystery of life; the food we consume worldwide is a result of an age-old tradition that deals with farm production. A large part of the world economy is devoted to producing food by all means possible due to its incredible importance in feeding the entire planet. Throughout the agricultural history of humanity, farmers have used the same traditional methods for producing food. Plant-based agriculture is the oldest farming system known to our ancestors, and its technology has evolved over the past thousands of years. As we look around us, we can find evidence of this in the numerous ruins over thousands of years.
The technological revolution brought about new agricultural systems, which affected every aspect of farming: this includes the introduction of mechanization and irrigation systems, artificial intelligence, and the use of precision agriculture. Modern farming ensures a higher level of productivity for farmers and can help them make effective decisions regarding resource management, crop care, and sustainable practices.
We will explore the game-changing impact of technology in agriculture. Specifically, we will examine how agriculture has evolved into efficient and sustainable food production through modern farming methods, illustrating this transformation with the petroleum substitute codename ‘plastics.’ Finally, our essay will follow the history of agricultural technology, its influence on the future of food security, and why innovation can help stimulate the agricultural sector to achieve our goal of ‘feeding the world’.

Technological innovations in farming

The ways that we produce food for ourselves have changed dramatically, from a past where ‘farming’ was a labor-intensive, seasonal affair to the extreme of gardening in a well-lit closet and from ‘low-tech’ operations powered by hand and labor and beasts of burden to ‘hi-tech’ self-regulating, AI-optimized operations. Until the Agricultural Revolution of the past millennia, farming was an activity that was deeply tied to the seasons – a human response to the annual rhythms of our planet around its sun. Food came from plants and trees whose fruits and nuts ripened and fell to the ground at certain times of the year.
Now, this changed with the onset of the Industrial Revolution – new machines were powered by steam engines and then, in the 20th century, also by internal combustion engines. These machines, such as tractors and combines, revolutionized farming by increasing productivity, reducing labor costs, and also allowing for large-scale operations, enabling the scale of mechanization. In other words, farming reached a tipping point when machine power took over from hand labor and thus was set on a path of modernization.

Role of machinery, irrigation systems, and precision agriculture techniques

  • Machinery - As agricultural machinery was developed, it split work into smaller parts, automated repetitive jobs, and enabled work to be carried out more efficiently. Tractors and harvesters reduced the amount of time and labor needed to plant. Cultivate machinery continues to improve, using GPS technology and automated systems to increase precision and minimize environmental impact.
  • Irrigation systems - Roots need water for healthy crops, especially plants in dry areas with irregular rainfall. Traditional irrigation has been replaced mostly by drip irrigation, center pivot systems, or other ways of watering plants through their roots, wasting the minimum amount of latent heat and moisture when possible to maximize the growing season.
  • Precision agriculture techniques - Precision agriculture combines global positioning systems (GPS), sensors, drones, and data analytics to maximize inputs and outputs from farming. Now, instead of applying fertilizers and pesticides indiscriminately, farmers can measure in real-time what’s going on at the field level, from soil moisture to plant health and nutrient levels. Precision agriculture reduces environmental damage and the individuals involved.

Precision agriculture and smart farming

Inputs for precision agriculture, also known as precision farming or satellite farming, utilize the latest technology to optimize the production of crops sustainably with the least amount of input and on time. Important components are:

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) - Farmers utilize GPS technology to map field boundaries very precisely, track equipment movements over fields, and create detailed application maps for fertilizer and pesticide inputs in the field. This allows for more efficient operation in the field and reduces pre-fertilized or spotty inputs such as pesticides.
  • Sensors and IoT devices - Sensors are placed in the field to collect information on soil moisture, temperature, humidity, nutrient levels, plant health, and other agronomic indicators. This allows data to be collected in real-time so that the farmer can make better-informed decisions about irrigation scheduling, fertilizer management, and pest control.
  • Drones and remote sensing - Drones and remote sensing monitor crops and fields for insects, diseases, nutrition, and other stresses; collect ultra-high-resolution imagery from the sky with multispectral cameras and other sensors; and help assess when crops are ready for harvest and predict yields.

Benefits of precision agriculture

Precision agriculture offers numerous benefits that contribute to improved farm management and sustainability:

Role of AI and data analytics in agriculture

Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Agriculture

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming agriculture with sophisticated capabilities in crop management, pest management, and predicting the weather:

  • Crop management - AI and ML can use data from soil sensors, satellite imagery, and decades of weather to optimize crop management strategies. This includes determining ideal planting times for certain crops, monitoring crop health in real-time, and recommending irrigation and fertilizer schedules tailored to local conditions to maximize crop yield and quality while reducing resource use.
  • Pest control - Image recognition and sensor data can detect pests and plant diseases early in the growth cycle so that farmers can interfere when it counts right at the start. The result can include more specific pesticide applications or biological control of pests, reducing pesticide use and crop losses most effectively. The algorithms can be trained to improve results with new data from farmers in the field.
  • Weather forecasting - Based on sophisticated AI algorithms that analyze large amounts of meteorological information, weather forecasts become more accurate between a few days and more than a year ahead, thus assisting farmers in planning their activities in the next season. For example, by knowing in advance the dates of storms, droughts, or frosts, farmers will be better able to plan sowing and harvesting activities. Thanks to technological advances in weather prediction powered by AI, initiatives to improve farm activities have been designed to increase their resilience and optimize operations not to waste resources.

Use of data analytics for decision-making and predictive insights

Data analytics are a powerful means to advancing crop management by increasing the productivity and sustainability of natural resources for sustainable agriculture. By transforming raw data into useful information in a usable format that improves performance and predictive capabilities, data analytics plays a key role in advancing agricultural production processes for higher crop yields.

  • Decision-making - Decision-making data analytics technologies allow farmers to analyze historical and real-time data for soil conditions, crop performance, weather, markets, and more. This empowers decisions about the right crops to grow, plant spacing and depths, the right type of fertilizer, the right time for harvest, and attention to changing market prices. Real-time integration allows farmers to make decisions and adapt to changing conditions to find the right decision for the farm and the end product.
  • Predictive insights - Crop yields, market demand, and optimal selling prices can be predicted by modeling based on past performance and market trends. These predictions can be refined iteratively as machine learning algorithms track the changing environment in terms of weather. Thus, crop Farmers can plan accordingly to reduce risk, improve returns, and match their planting to likely market demand.

Automation and robotics in agriculture

Automation technologies

A rapid growth in agricultural automation and robotics relates to the fact that the agricultural industries are currently automating labor from fieldwork to plant processing:

  • Planting - Seeds are sown at the optimum depth and spacing by automated machines, which can be refilled with seed and run continuously, increasing planting efficiency and reducing labor relative to doing it by hand.
  • Harvesting - Robotics are now used to harvest fruits, vegetables, and grains. Harvesting robots are specially designed with advanced sensor-enable technology and computer vision systems to detect ripe fruit, vegetable, or grain. Advanced technology in harvesting robots helps minimize losses during harvesting and reduces the human labor required. For example, new robots can now pick redcurrants. Some vegetables, like tomatoes, are harvested locally before they end up in retail outlets. Harvesting many crops is an important step, especially in tropical regions, as it reduces losses in the field.
  • Crop maintenance - Crop maintenance robots and automated systems using artificial intelligence (AI) and sensors are responsible for crops' weeding, spraying, and fertilizer application. These systems can identify weeds and apply herbicide or spray fertilizer directly to the plant, where needed, without human intervention. Automated crop maintenance optimizes resource allocation, reduces chemical inputs, and promotes the sustainability of farming.

Impact of robotics

  • Labor efficiency - Robots can work faster and with more precision than manual labor. Automated systems can work around the clock, without tiredness, reducing downtime and boosting overall farm productivity. Robots can also increase labor efficiency on the farm by freeing up human labor for other, more skilled, or strategic work.
  • Productivity - Robotics can improve farming practices by increasing the efficiency of planting, harvesting, and maintenance tasks. This leads to improved labor consolidation and allows for more consistent crop output through minimum losses caused by human error or delays. This productivity gain is essential to scaling food production while minimizing resource usage.
  • Safety - Robots make working conditions in agriculture safer by keeping humans out of hazardous conditions and repetitive work functions. Heavier machinery is operated by automatic equipment and works in harsher environments, which reduces low-wage farm workers’ risk of injury and accidents. Improving safety standards on the farm increases employee morale and retention of experienced workers and provides a more sustainable farm.

Challenges and opportunities in agricultural technology

Addressing technological adoption barriers in agriculture

Technological adoption in agriculture faces several barriers that hinder widespread implementation and integration:

  • Cost of Technology - It is often prohibitively expensive for small and medium-sized farms to acquire and implement advanced agricultural technologies like precision farming equipment, robotics, and IoT systems. Subsidies and access to financing are crucial to making these technologies available and affordable.
  • Infrastructure and Connectivity - Disadvantaged rural areas do not have the same infrastructure as urban areas (for example, stable internet or electricity), which limits their opportunities to implement and use critical digital farming technologies. Improving infrastructure can promote data-driven decisions for agricultural and food system efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Education and Training - Farmers need training to build digital literacy and troubleshoot. They also need technical assistance to operate and maintain their complex farming technologies. Programs for farmer education in using new technology and data improve farmers’ ownership of farming algorithms and provide the digital and agricultural skills necessary for a transition to new production methods.
  • Regulatory and Policy Frameworks - Ambiguous data rights and privacy rules, concerns about the use of certain technologies and the agricultural sector overall, and uncertainty about the protection of innovators make it harder for agricultural technologies to achieve the scale necessary to be effective in the field. A clear, supportive policy environment that incentivizes innovations and the responsible use of information is essential.

Economic impacts of technology

  • Farmers - By increasing productivity, decreasing production inputs, and improving product quality, technology can make farming more profitable for the farmer at the farm gate. However, the economic benefits can be skewed depending on several factors, including farm size, resources, and access to markets. Ensuring equitable access to technology and maintaining fair market access are vital if we don't want increased inequalities among farmers.
  • Rural communities - More and better jobs for farmers and workers in rural areas can stimulate investments in both high- and low-tech sectors and generate spinoff benefits through an echo effect.
  • Global food systems - The role of technical agri-food systems is fundamental to providing more food sustainably. Improving the efficiency of food production, reducing environmental impacts, and making it more resilient to climate change are the key goals to satisfy the need worldwide. To effectively provide food to the growing world population, it is essential to integrate technological progress with inclusive policies and best practices that ensure the same benefits for all nations, states, and societies.


Undoubtedly, technology has played a key role in dramatically improving agriculture in the modern world. For example, we have utilized precision farming and robotics and leveraged data and AI to bring about incredible changes to how food crops and animals are grown and maintained.
However, new technologies now increase agricultural productivity through the better and more efficient use of resources and a reduced environmental footprint. For example, from precision agriculture correctly applying precisely the required amount of water and the right amount of fertilizer and pesticides to the correct part of the field, robotics, and automation replace many labor-intensive activities with machines that can do work safely and efficiently at high speed and low cost.
Innovation and collaboration, through policy support, are needed to foster the evolution of sustainable agricultural practices, create new opportunities, and finally, spread them throughout human habitation. Increased research investment and development (R and D) programs can create and catalyze innovation. Sustainable advancement in productivity is a continuous process, as the agricultural system is dynamic in response to global issues such as food security, climate change, and resource scarcity. Cooperation among actors – farmers, researchers, technology providers, and policymakers – is vital to knowledge exchange, particularly on best practices.