How Technology is Revolutionizing the Travel Industry


It is the travel industry that acts as a bridge amongst the many worlds, knitting together cultures and economies. It hopes across the globe, traditionally through dense physical infrastructure via travel agents, guidebooks, and uncertainty of limited information and communications.
However, increasingly rapid technological changes have led to profound shifts in modern travel. As technology develops, it is increasingly acting as an enabler, transforming every aspect of travel journeys, from making travel plans to booking trips, exploring new destinations, and narrating stories.
This travel blog explores how the travel industry continues to evolve by placing it within the digital context in which emerging technologies have become the foundation of a new era of comfort and convenience. To illustrate the increasing role of technology in improving the travel experience and offering new modes of transportation, we explore how digital transformation continues to gain momentum by leveraging tech to enhance everything from travel planning experiences to immersive augmentation and new modes of travel.

Digital transformation in travel booking and planning

Online travel booking sites such as Expedia, Hotels or Momondo have changed forever the whole process of planning and booking travel, from complex itineraries across multiple continents to even the simplest flight, even eliminating the need to speak with a travel agent in person, as was the case with traditional travel agencies. Having been used to planning holidays or conducting business travel, travelers would go to small local travel agencies to organize flights and rooms (often based on paper brochures). In these agencies, travelers would have to meet travel agents face-to-face, and agents would recommend the best options available and help them organize flights, rooms, or whole itineraries, providing expertise for complex travel logistics. However, this involved time-consuming visits to an agent’s office and had the disadvantage that each agency offered different prices for the same rooms – travelers were often not informed about room availability.
This gives more power directly into the hands of travelers. Online platforms such as Expedia,, and Airbnb eradicate many old restrictions, allowing travelers to compare, book, and pay for travel-related services as never before. Travelers can view and compare flights, hotels, rental cars, and alternative activity options from home, or indeed on the go and from anywhere, on mobile devices of their own accord. The shift to online platforms eliminates the need to visit multiple websites, draws from third-party products, and offers a certain level of transparency in pricing and availability that was not possible even a decade ago.
Furthermore, mobile apps have brought the latest improvements to the travel-planning experience. Modern-day travelers can use travel agencies and airline mobile apps to book flights and manage their trips. Hotels have special apps that help guests reserve their arrangements, check boarding gates, and even display virtual boarding passes, bringing mobility and comfort to the entire traveling experience.

Enhancing travel experience through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are fundamentally changing travel by putting the whole world within arm’s reach and allowing people to explore destinations, attractions, and trip plans in entirely new ways.

Applications of AR and VR

  • Destination previews - Travelers can preview destinations before booking their trips using AR. Anders can visually overlay digital information onto a view of real-world objects using AR apps on mobile devices or VR headsets to experience interactive and immersive glimpses of the locations they want to visit, hotels they would like to stay in, or attractions of destinations they are interested in. This AR and VR experience will allow travelers to preview a potential destination, create their travel itinerary, imagine different routes from starting points to destinations, and make a more informed travel decision.
  • Virtual tours - VR technology allows for recorded and simulated virtual tours of famous tourist destinations and cultural heritage sites. This includes sightseeing routes that travel to historically significant landmarks and artifacts, the interior and artifacts of museums and underground locations, archeological sites and natural wonders. Tourists can virtually visit world-famous monuments from the comfort of their homes or as a travel agent, using a headset that allows for a 360-degree view and offers navigation to and within the virtual environment and detailed simulations of architectural or natural locations. Virtual tours increase access to geographically distant or inaccessible destinations.


  • Customer engagement - AR and VR can increase engagement among potential customers by offering simulated experiences that keep a destination at the top of their minds. Virtual tours and other AR applications are immersive, allowing travelers to experience a destination memorably. This increased involvement, built on emotional connections to a destination and informational elements about activities there, can make travelers want to visit again. Increased travel engagement makes guests more inclined to try new activities or destinations. They are also more invested in a place that has built emotional and informational connections with them; for specific activities, a customer wants to engage in, interactive elements such as gamification and storytelling through VR will further strengthen engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Personalized travel recommendations - VR and AR simulate travel experiences and can provide personalized recommendations to users with the help of AI algorithms. These will model travel histories, social media activity, and other data points to give recommendations and curation of travel information, itineraries, and accommodations tailored to their preferences and past behaviors. First, it allows users to preview an accommodation or experience using a VR simulator, building confidence to make more relevant choices and increasing satisfaction regarding recommendations.

Revolutionizing transportation with technology

The transformation of transportation is affecting how people move around and deciding the future of mobility thanks to technological innovations that led to disruptive modes of transportation:

Innovations in transportation modes

  • Ride-sharing apps - Uber, Lyft, and Grab—have transformed urban transportation by making getting around easier and cheaper. Such apps use smartphone applications to match passengers to cars nearby, making transportation more convenient and flexible. They have democratized access to transportation, allowing people to make more trips without buying or owning a car. Ride-hailing has also eased urban congestion by reducing the number of empty cars on the road and by optimizing the number of riders in each car.
  • Hyperloop technology - Hyperloop is the next phase in transportation technology, first conceived and championed by Elon Musk and his companies (Virgin Hyperloop and SpaceX) and now built and installed. It levitates pods in a vacuum tube at speeds higher than supersonic, accelerating existing routes that might last hours using other technologies into connections from distant cities and regions in minutes, with virtually no environmental degradation.

IoT and smart travel infrastructure

By incorporating gadgets into travelers’ experiences, Internet of Things (IoT) devices are helping to redesign how airports, hotels, and tourist attractions work, thus increasing travelers’ safety and convenience and operations’ efficiency.

Integration of IoT devices

  • Airports - IoT technology at airports enhances passengers’ experience and increases operational efficiency. Converged smart sensors (such as cameras and specialized platforms) and IoT devices are used to monitor flight statuses, baggage handling, security screenings, ventilation, lighting, and other situations in real-time. This helps employees and security personnel to respond immediately to an issue or an event. Additionally, automating passenger check-in with digital kiosks and biometrics speeds up the processing time and significantly reduces wait times while enhancing security. Smart luggage tracking sensors also provide passengers with real-time updates about the location of their luggage and the efficiency of baggage handling processes.
  • Hotels - Smart hotel rooms, automated services, and energy-efficient systems offered by Internet of Things (IoT) devices have real potential to disrupt guests' experience in the hotel industry. IoT-powered connected machines allow guests to control lights, temperature, entertainment systems, and other requirements in their smart rooms via voice commands or mobile apps. In hotel rooms, the Internet of Things (IoT) runs systems that monitor system usage, occupancy patterns, and energy use by guests.

Benefits of connected smart devices

  1. Enhanced Traveler Convenience - IoT devices greatly improve the travelling experience by automating repeatable tasks and making travel logistics an easy experience. With suitcases that have built-in GPS tracking, companion mobile apps that update anywhere about flights, or things like hotel check-in procedures or check-in automation services, preparing for and checking into a flight is a much more convenient experience.
  2. Improved Security - The inclusion of IoT devices to improve security in the travel ecosystem is a very important development. Smart surveillance adopted by the airport would make it safer to travel. Biometric access controls can enhance the existing effective be more effective and safe. They introduce accuracy and quickness to security which are necessary to address the fear of attack on our homeland and provide a safe environment for travellers.

Challenges and future trends in technological integration

The challenges posed by new technologies in the travel industry are manifold, even as they create pressure to embrace novel technology – but these, in turn, promise to transform travel, too.

Addressing cybersecurity concerns and data privacy in digital travel platforms

  • Cybersecurity concerns - These new digital technologies make travel platforms more vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and ransomware attacks. Because of the private information, including health and financial data, collected by travel companies, proper cybersecurity is necessary to protect this information. Travel companies should provide advanced encryption for the data and routinely conduct security audits and enhancements; multi-factor authentication is needed for accessing accounts, and proactive monitoring of potential intrusion should be part of the company’s network.
  • Data privacy - Protecting the data privacy of travelers is essential as digital travel platforms keep and utilize huge amounts of sensitive traveler data. Information security compliance with laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) should be foundational for travel companies. These companies should maintain information collection transparency with users, get affirmative consent from users, and allow users to access, correct, and delete their data. Stringent data governance policies and educating users about their data privacy rights can help build trust with increased concern for the rule of law and privacy rights.


Personalization and democratization technology have upended every facet of travel. Technology in travel transforms everything from the spontaneous wanderlust that sends travelers to explore the world to the sharing of plans and wins via social media to the experiences travelers have. IoT devices and digital platforms free travelers from the tedious aspects of traveling and streamlining administrative and bureaucratic hurdles. New emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain are carving new channels for travel brands to reach consumers, improving travel experiences. Ride-sharing apps, hyperloop technology, and increasing offerings of electric vehicles are reinventing transport. AR and VR are offering travelers immersive, interactive experiences. Although there are challenges in transacting and monetizing this trend as data security and privacy issues loom, we believe the iterative nature of technology will push its execution in a positive direction. It will lead to limitless innovation in travel and experiences that have never been seen.